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Week 8:

~ Monday, July 16 ~

After arriving back to Pittsburgh at one o’clock in the morning, getting some rest and spending few hours going through 5 days worth of unread emails, I finally made it to CMU. I got to talk to Jessica about the retreat, the feedback on our project and how it might affect our work in the next few weeks. Looks like we all will be plenty busy!

~ Tuesday, July 17 ~

  • Wrote a program to extract and store information from the wiimote's acceleration data files.
  • Created JPEG files with graphs that showed the motion of the right foot's acceleration on the axes.
    Compared graphs of walking and running data.
  • Jernej had his thesis defense!
    Jernej Barbic: Real-time Reduced Large-deformation Models and Distributed Contact for Computer Graphics and Haptics
  • ~ Wednesday, July 18 ~

  • Had a meeting with Jessica. Jimmy is leaving at the end of this week and I have one more week after that to finish up my work and get it to a state where it can be handed over to the next researcher.
  • Fixed a bug in my mo-cap recording program (plotting the graphs really helped to pin-point exactly where the culprit was).
  • ~ Thursday, July 19 ~

  • Met with Jimmy and got his program, which deals with PCA and partially reproduces the experiment from Jessica's paper. Later that day, I asked him to compile a detailed outline of his program, which should give a quick overview of his code and highlight areas that need to be worked on.
  • Worked some more on my code for the window-matching program: got the main calculations to work.
  • ~ Friday, July 20 ~

  • Continued to work on my program and added more functions that process, store and output the data.
  • Outlined what needs to be done next week: I have to add more functions to help visualize the results

  • ~ Sunday, July 22 ~

    My new roommate has arrived! I showed her the house, took her on a mandatory trip to Giant Eagle (it was also the first thing that I did when I got to Pittsburgh) and had dinner with her and my other house mate at Gullifty's (the Cheese Steak Sandwich shattered her expectations about what the size of a regular sandwich should be).
    Afterwards, we all met up with my friends from the lab in the Schenley park, played frisbee and watched the movie under the starry sky (or at least as starry as Pittsburgh gets). It was a fun day :-)

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    * Read about week 7 on the main journal page.