This week was primarily dedicated to learning about and practicing with CLOTH as much as possible.  However, the week was broken up with a quick capture that we had in the lab.  Another intern in the lab, Ronit, is working on creating a more effective and accurate marker set for general captures, so we ran a few trials with different marker configurations that she will hopefully be able to use in her work.  By the end of the week, I had a decent grasp on the basic manipulations of CLOTH and was able to produce a few short movies to show my progress.  The animation group met at the end of the week and I was able to meet the two other people working on the project, Bum and Leo, as well as to see what they had been assigned to work on.  Needless to say, their work was amazing and I now have even more resources to go to when I need help.  I also believe they were slightly impressed with the work I had accomplished thus far, which was reassuring and verified that I was going in the right direction.  Now the goal for next week is to begin applying what I’ve learned about CLOTH to the more specific case found in the animation.