Week 10 (08/01 - 08/07)


- Went to the campus pharmacy to fill my prescription.

- 4-5pm: Attended the Parasol Seminar. The topic was: "Applications of Link Reversal Algorithms in Mobile Computing" by Dr. Jennifer Welch.

- Continued working on my poster, started working on my final report/paper.


- 3-4pm: Attended the USRG Seminar. The topic was: "Graduate Student Council Student Research Week" by Jaime Walker.

- The final version of the poster was approved by Nancy and we were able to submit it for printing to the CS Helpdesk. It only took an hour to print.

- 6:00pm - 7:15pm: Attended the weekly STAPL project meeting with Nancy and Lawrence.

- 7:30pm: Went to the city of Snook to eat steak with 14 other summer research students. The steaks were enormous, but unfortunately not very good.



- Continued working on my paper.


- 11:30am: Attended the weekly CS Brown Bag Lunch. The topic was: "Evaluations" (Beth Johnson).

- 5:30-7:30pm: Attended the Campus REU Poster Session at the Jack Williams Administration Building Rotunda.



- 12:30pm: Attended the "Thank you" Lunch organized by the CS Department. The food was great! We also took some very nice group pictures.



- 3:30-4pm: Attended the weekly CS Cookie Break.

- Worked on my paper until about 9pm.


- Worked on my paper until about 4am.


- Went to the Rec Center in the morning to swim and to play badminton with Stuart.

- Worked on my paper until about 10pm.

- Watched a movie ("Open Waters") with Stuart.



- 8:30am-4:30pm: Attended the USRG Poster Session at Zachary Lobby.



- Went back to work to make final modifications to my paper (Nancy decided it was good enough to be used as an Internal Technical Report, which required some formatting changes to the paper).

- Started packing.

- Went to our "Goodbye" party, which turned out too be much more sad than I had imagined. It was very had to say goodbye to people we had so much fun with and got so attached to this summer.



- 7pm: Woke up to finish up packing.

- 9:30am: Returned the dorm room key to my RA and checked out of dorms.

- 10am: Beth picked me and Ella at the dorms and dropped us off at the Bryan - College Station airport.