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- Summer 2005 Project - 

- Bluetooth and RFID - 

- Run -


To run the application follow these steps:


- Setup - 

  1. Make sure Bluetooth is running on both PCs
  2. Connect the RFID reader to 'Coordinator' PC using the serial port; turn on RFID reader
  3. Have the RFID tags ready
  4. Have the Linux PDA ready


- Get the files - 

On the 'Coordinator' computer:

  1. Click on -coord zip- link located on the menu to the left

  2. Save the zip file ( on the computer

  3. Unzip the file

On the 'Server' computer:

  1. Click on the -server zip- link located on the menu to the left

  2. Save the zip file ( on the 'Server' computer

  3. Unzip the file

- Run & Use the application -

  1. On 'Server' computer double-click  server.bat

  2. When window opens click on 'Start'

  3. On 'Coordinator' computer double-click coordinator.bat

  4. When window opens follow the directions in the text area by selecting one of two options: write/read or read_only

  5. If write/read was selected: hold each of the five tags up to the RFID reader until a confirmation message appears, saying that the tagWrite was successful. Then hold the tags again, until each one of them is read (tagRead was successful)

  6. If read_only was selected: hold each of the tags up to the RFID reader until a confirmation appears that data was read. Note: You do not need to hold up the tags a second time

  7. After the tag information is read, click "Find device" button

  8. When the text area has a message indicating that the inquiry has completed, click "Find service" button

  9. When the text area has a message indicating that the search has completed and a matching service was found, click "Send data via Bluetooth to the Server" button

  10. At this point the transfer of data is completed

  11. On the 'Server' computer should be a confirmation message that data was received

  12. Also, a string alert has been sent to the PDA

  13. To view the data using the graphical user interface click "Display data" on the 'Server' computer


- Note -

It is possible that the .bat files not work on some computers. To manually run the server and coordinator do the following:

'Server' computer:

 javac -classpath avetanaBluetooth.jar

 java -cp avetanaBluetooth.jar;. Server 

'Coordinator' computer:

 javac -classpath avetanaBluetooth.jar;C:\j2sdk142\lib\comm.jar;.

 java -cp avetanaBluetooth.jar;C:\j2sdk142\lib\comm.jar;. Coordinator

'j2sdk142' is the name of the current Java SDK directory


- Note -

In order to run this application you need the Java Communication package installed on the 'Coordinator' computer. 

--> get comm.jar here <--

Installing is Communication API:

  1. Download the appropriate version of the Comm API using the link above

  2. Unzip the file you have saved

  3. Put comm.jar in the lib directory of your current Java SDK

  4. Put the in the same lib directory of your current Java SDK

  5. Put win32com.dll in the bin directory of your current Java SDK

That is all you need to do!


Maria Kazandjieva, makazand[at]mtholyoke[dot]edu, Summer 2005