
On this page I will summarize the papers I have read in the course of my work.

Web-based Animation of Data Structures Using JAWAA

authors: Willard T. Pierson and Susan H. Rodger

JAWAA was created to help computer science students to visualize data structures and algorithms and to debug programs that they have written with data structures. Though JAWAA is not the first of its kind, previous programs for this kind of visualization have not often taken advantage of Java and the Web as JAWAA has. The great advantage to JAWAA is how it can be used with programs written in any language on any machine by simply adding one command per line. JAWAA allows the user to create both primitive objects and intelligent objects. Primitive objects include lines, circles, text, rectangles, and polygons. Intelligent objects have commands that specify their behavior in order to represent data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, graphs, and trees. After these objects have been created, they can have action commands applied to them, which can change different attributes of the object, such as color or position.

JAWAA: Easy Web-Based Animation from CS 0 to Advanced CS Courses

authors: Ayonike Akingbade, Thomas Finley, Diana Jackson, Pretesh Patel, and Susan Rodger

This paper describes JAWAA 2.0, which was created to help enhance learning by allowing students to build animations and run them on the web. JAWAA 2.0 was created with capabilities for more data structures, more features, and an easier way to build JAWAA animations using JAWAA Editor. With the JAWAA Editor, students in classes as low as CS 0 should be able to use JAWAA. JAWAA has primitive objects -- shapes and text -- which have attributes describing their color, position, size, and name. General action commands are used to change these attributes or to remove objects. JAWAA is capable of supporting many different data structures - arrays, stacks, queues, graphs, trees, and linked lists with simple commands.

The next section of the paper describes how JAWAA can be used in classes. In CS 0 students can rely mostly on the JAWAA editor and illustrate simple processes since they are unfamiliar with programming. For CS 1, the code behind the JAWAA animations can still be hidden, to help the students to focus more the programming language they are learning. In CS 2, students can better understand data structures by actually seeing what is happening in each step of the program. One example given for CS 2 is an illustration of a recursive function executing. This includes the actual code, which highlights the line that is currently executing, and a stack which shows instances of the method as they are added to and popped off the stack. JAWAA is capable of being expanded beyond this for more advanced computer science courses.

Tango: A Framework and System for Algorithm Animation (Computer 1990)

author: John T. Stasko

This paper describes a sort of precursor to JAWAA. This program, called “Tango” was created in order for students to understand programs more easily, for developers to spot problems in existing programs or compare the efficiency of similar programs, and for researchers to develop new methods they may not have seen before. One important feature of Tango is its ability to display smooth transitions between states in an animation – which he calls “path-transition paradigm.” Tango consists of the algorithm component (the code that specifies how the animation should behave), the mapping (which translates the algorithm into an animation), and the animation component (which is the graphical representation of what's going on in the program). To use Tango, a developer needs a lot of knowledge of the language. Basically, this older animation framework is much more involved and thus not as easy for beginners to grasp. Still, Tango was one of the pioneers in the attempt to make animation of algorithms simple and easy to understand.

Software Visualization (Book, © 1998 MIT)

editors: John Stasko, John Domingue, Marc H. Brown, and Blaine A. Price

This book describes many aspects of software visualization. Since what I will be working with is algorithm and data structure animation, the chapter on “Fundamental Algorithm Animation Techniques” was particularly relevant. The basic techniques described in this book are:

multiple views – allowing the user to view one aspect of the program at a time

state cues – indicating to the user that the state of the program has changed by a visual change

static history – recording the behavior of the program during runtime to help the user spot patterns and so on

incremental transitions – smooth transition between states, useful for small sets of data to help the user to understand what's happening in between

discrete transitions – instantaneous changes, best used with large sets of data where many small changes will be occurring anyway

multiple algorithms – developers have to take into consideration how more than one algorithm could be displayed at once

input data selection – carefully choosing what data to portray - this includes the amount of input data, pathological data (potentially error-producing for debugging purposes), and cooked data (slightly manipulated for educational purposes)

One of the key points in this book is that visualization does not necessarily mean a picture or graphical representation. For instance, there is a branch of software visualization called “Program Auralization” which communicates information to the user through sound instead of a picture or animation. Their examples were applied to sorting algorithms, using different tones to indicate to the user what was being inserted in a table. Software visualization doesn't exclude graphical representations, though. Visualization even moves into 3D graphics territory. Sometimes a flat, 2D picture doesn't communicate enough information alone. A 3D animation can use different dimensions to portray different attributes.

Rethinking the Evaluation of Algorithm Animations as Learning Aids: An Observational Study (International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2001)

authors: Colleen Kehoe, John Stasko, and Ashley Taylor

This paper was an attempt to discover how animation may help a student understand and learn algorithms. Algorithm animation has a particular challenge beyond what many other educational animations may face. That is the fact that algorithms have no natural visual representation. To animate an algorithm, one must both translate an abstract idea into a visual, then change that visual over time to illustrate the process. This paper was written in response to previous research that had fairly inconclusive results. On review of this previous research, the authors of the papers decided to focus on one possible reason for why the previous studies did not have positive results: the previous experiments were not designed correctly. Thus, this study was conducted in a fairly unconventional way by attempting to use a more natural environment and observing the students interacting with the program to see how it was used. In conclusion, the researchers hypothesized that the more open environment used in the study better reaps the benefits animation offers. They also hypothesized that animation does assist in learning algorithms.

JHAVÉ – An Environment to Actively Engage Students in Web-based Algorithm Visualizations (SIGCSE 2000)

authors: Thomas L. Naps, James R. Eagan, Laura L. Norton

JHAVÉ (Java-Hosted Algorithm Visualization Environment) is an environment for running algorithm animations. The creators of this program observed some common problems that researchers found in using animations for education. 1) Simply viewing an animation is too passive for a student to gain much of an advantage. 2) The teacher must help the student understand what is going on underneath the animation – what is this animation representing? Otherwise the students will not gain anything from watching. 3) It helps a student's understanding to allow them to “rewind” the animation to view previous states. 4) Increased interaction with the animation tends to increase the students' understanding. JHAVÉ was created to be able to: 1) Provide static pictures as well as animations which can both be “rewound.” 2) Display text that is appropriate to the animation that is being presented. 3) Make the animations interactive by allowing students to enter different input. 4) Bring the student into active participation instead of passive viewing by asking questions periodically.

To try to reach these goals, the creators of JHAVÉ decided not to work on developing yet another system for animating algorithms, but instead to make an environment where other algorithm visualizations can be run. This way, an instructor can use preexisting animations, but add in the advantages listed above. JHAVÉ also makes animations portable that may have previously been limited to a particular operating system by the language in which they were written.

Experiences in Using Animations in Introductory Computer Science Lectures (SIGCSE 2000)

authors: Guido Rößling and Bernd Freisleben

The title of this paper confused me, because the overall paper seems to be describing their animation tool, ANIMAL (A New Interactive Modeler for Animations in Lectures). The last section, only about a quarter of the paper, is the only place where a discussion of “experiences in using animations in introductory computer science lectures” occurs. The first part of this paper describes the classroom environment which the professors are dealing with – more than 200 students with varying experience with programming watching a slide show presentation. The authors created ANIMAL largely due to the fact that existing tools (such as JSamba and JAWAA) didn't have simple ways to highlight source code or pseudo code as the animation progressed. Then a couple of example animations are described: a typical Quicksort animation, and an innovative method for portraying verification with animation. In the last section of the paper they make some general statements about their observations on using their animations in class: Java's memory allocation can be insufficient and slow down animations, including source code is key for enhancing student understanding, using colors to highlight key parts of the animation is a good idea (though student colorblindness should be taken into account when choosing the colors), slide shows with animations can take an unpredictable amount of time because of students' questions and interruptions.

A Summary of Principles for User-Interface Design

author: Talin

This paper is basically a list of good things to do when designing a user interface. I read this for some suggestions for my work with the JAWAA Editor. Here are the principles and what I have done to try to follow them:

An Interactive Approach to Formal Languages and Automata with JFLAP

author: Susan H Rodger

Revolutionize the way that FLA courses are taught – no more dependence on pen and paper.

Express who is interested – publishers, 11 universities

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