DMP Research 2005







Genome Visualization Project

Because of my interest in Biology and Genetics, I wanted to work on a project that involved these subjects.  Professor Grimm helped me by talking to Professor Buhler, a Computer Science and Genetics professor at Washington University. I am working on a genome visualization project, where I am taking Professor Buhler's genomic data from Escherischia Coli and Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron and using C++ and OpenGL to create a genome visualization tool.  Since there are over 4,000 genes and 4 million base pairs in each genome, a visualization tool will help identify different characteristics of the genomes. The genomic data also includes operon (genes controlled as a unit) predictions, so I will be incorporating these into the genome maps as well. Some features of the GUI will include zooming, selecting an area to zoom, displaying a certain gene’s information, and searching for a certain gene's information and location on the map. For zooming, I am trying a focus-in-context, or fish-eye zooming, technique, where part of the image is pushed out toward the viewing position, so that the image appears closer and more detail can be seen.  Also, general categories of genes will be color-coded on the map, and a key will be displayed.


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Last updated: 08/03/05.