
[UCB] [Personal] [Personal Journal] [Research] [Research Journal] [Mentor] [UCI]


This is the informal research journal Padmini kept as a way to log goals and accomplishments on a (nearly) day to day basis. This journal is reported as being very helpful in staying on task and communicating with Padmini's mentor. Padmini would also like to note that on most days she updated entries in the morning, hence there might be a lag of a day in reporting to-do items completed.


Please be aware again that this is an informal research journal.


The Odd Note:

Sudarshan is the graduate student Padmini worked with and the files folder mentioned in some of the logs refer to an older version of this site where Padmini posted all relevant files (screenshots, code, documentation, data, etc) so that her mentor and graduate student could stay informed of her work.


Week: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Week 1 || June 28 - July 2

Weekly Goals: Learn VHDL; install software (Xilinx and Synplicity) on the machine used; write code for adder as an example; write testbench, and simulate adder; synthesize adder.


To Do:
1. Finish synthesizing adder.
2. Figure out how to change physical configuration of adder.
3. Find out timing delay of adder.
4. Install the new version of EDK. Sudarshan says the trial version has the tools we need.
5. Update journal.

1. Get a good idea of VHDL. VHDL seems so archaic, lot of little rules.
2. Simulate adder. It took me a couple hours because I was debugging the VHDL code.
3. Physical configurations come later.
4. Trial version not needed right now, no new installs of EDK.
5. Journal updated atleast several times a week, often two or three times a day.

To Do:
1. Understand how to read input vectors from file.
2. Understand how to parameterize entities using the generic parameter.

1. Reading from a file + read a vector + read a bit out of a vector.
2. Parameterize entities - generics.


[To the Top]

Week 2 || July 5 - July 9

Weekly Goals: Create, simulate, synthesize, modify physical configuration of multiplier; Learn how to constrain shape and timing in simulation and synthesis;



To Do:
1. Go thru all of Sudarshan's code, retest and generally understand state machine and testbench.
2. Synthesize with .sdc (force logic, uses LUT's) and without .sdc (embedded), check timings.
3. Look at floorplanner to get an idea of the default layout for each of the above.
4. Introduce .ucf, constraint file, to force LUT's into particular columns. Use floorplanner to double check. This step might not work, might need time to figure out how to get it to work.

1. Tested all of code and understood state machine. State machine is pretty general. Can change testbench to allow for different input sizes and change the number of inputs to the matrix multiplier.

[In this folder] I've posted any interesting code and screenshots from Floorplanner.

To Do:
1. Either consolidate all the screenshots into coherent bigger pictures or order them better.

1. Synthesized multiplier with and without embedded multiplier. Curiously the simulation times for multiplications were the same.
2. Done simulating, synthesizing and looking at floor planner for the multiplier using embedded multiplier and forced logic. In the process of figuring out how to constrain files.


[Add-on] To the left is the screenshot of the multiplier without the embedded multiplier. The right is with. It's hard to see the components because they occupy so little CLBs. The one that uses the embedded multiplier is clustered around them as embedded multipliers are clustered in the middle and at the ends of the chip. The multiplier that doesn't use the embedded multipliers is away from them and uses strings of CLBs for multiplication, as can be seen in the middle of the screenshot at the left.


To Do:
1. Re-simulate all the constraints and look at post-route times.
2. Get ready for demo - code, simulation, synthesis, screenshots of floorplanner, discussion.

1. Getting the constraint files to work was surprisingly easy with the PACE program. PACE is launched from project navigator, just have to double click on the .ucf file to launch. Originally I'd planned to play with the .ucf file manually, but decided I'd rather graphically manipulate the constraints and then look at the generated .ucf file. The generated files are not that different from the original file, and it's useful to see how it's changed. I've put up different copies of the .ucf files for the different constraints in my research folder (link above).
2. Simulated, synthesized and floorplanned 2, 4, 6 and unconstrained CLB column constraints for LUT multiplier and matrix storage. Found no difference in multiplication times, which is odd considering the routing is different for each. Sudarshan brought up a good point today, I was only looking at the simulation after post-map, not post-route, so today I'm going to re-simulate everything and look at the post-route times. I suspect this will account for the routing delays.


To Do:
1. Figure out why post place and route simulation won't run properly and get it to run.

1. The way the screenshots are organized are fine. Didn't want to waste more time to make them marginally prettier.
2. Though it was exciting to get the simulations results above, it turned out to be wrong. We were only looking at the post-map simulations, our biggest clue was that all the times were the same, even though the routing was different. Looking at the post-place and route simulation, there was a lot of latch and setup timing violations. Apparently by the time the states in the state machine are decoded, there's very little clock cycle left for the actual computation to take place. Hence the setup violations. We spent all day yesterday trying to figure out what was wrong. Changed the state machine so that it only had a single dimension matrix instead of a two dimension matrix, still had timing violations. Increased clock time to no avail. We didn't test the circuit at a lower frequency, so that's what I'm going to do right now. Hopefully we'll progress towards solving the problem by the end of today.
3. Demo didn't happen because of the many errors we had with the current code. Perhaps next week, once everything's working and the site is updated.


To Do:
1. Re-simulate all constraints with new vhdl files.
2. Put up new screenshots of constraints.
3. Reconfigure FPGA.
4. Repeat with different shapes and delays.

1. Re-simulated all constraints with new vhdl files. There are no errors at this point. Just have to update the data to the webpage.
2. Reconfiguring FPGA will come much later when we have more complex circuits to work with. At this point the multiplier is simple enough that the place and route simulation gives results that are significantly similar to the real timings on the board. As to different shapes and delays, we are doing that with the different constraints files.


[To the Top]

Week 3 || July 12 - July 16

Weekly Goals: Finish off last weeks stuff; plan out a matrix multiplier module; write a description of matrix multiplier so that Eli, Sudarshan and I are on the same page; secure other machine for use.


To Do:
1. Run floor planner and put up new screenshots.
2. Update code and data.
3. Start working on variations of multiplication, 2/3/4 multiplications. For each different mult file, do atleast four or five constraints.
4. Update site with code and screenshots.

1. Spent all morning updating website with new floorplanner screenshots. Set up a new naming convention for them. There's a readme file inside the research folder that explains anything that needs explaining about the contents of the folder. As I add or change the folder, I will update the readme.

To Do:
1. Write brief description of what I'm going to do in the next couple of days so that Eli, Sudarshan and I are all on the same page.
2. After Eli and Sudarshan talked, it was decided that running simulations and synthesis was time consuming, with results that were probably more accurate than we need. So instead I will be using CORE Generator to generate modules that I will then test, constrain and synthesize. The synthesis tools provide data sheets on how long the produced modules take and also the maximum delay time. This approximation of the upper limit on route and run time is more efficient than taking precise measurements. Test, synthesize a single multiplier (8bit x 8bit) module.

1. Spent all day yesterday simulating, mighty slow work waiting for them to run. It's a combination of super slow machine + running programs off of my home directory wahich is stored on some unix server somewhere. Anyway, had to redo the simulations I finished on Monday because I'd forgotten the .sdc file, the file that constrains the synthesis tools to only use CLB's instead of embedded multipliers.

General Update: Nothing much is happening right now. Having computer difficulties, current computer has very little memory and hard drive space, making it really time consuming to run simulations while most of the files are stored on a unix server elsewhere. We have secured a computer with better specs, but are having problems accessing it. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. Meanwhile I'm working on the description for Eli and Sudarshan.


[To the Top]

Week 4 || July 19 - July 23

Weekly Goals: Update description after nixing the old implementation of matrix mulitplier; learn how to use COREGenerator to create insta-modules of applications that we'd like to use.


To Do:
1. Get other computer to work.
2. Rewrite description.

1. Installing windows updates in hopes that the other computer will cooperate.
2. After much thought it was decided that fully pipelining the matrix multiplier would be inefficient. So back to my original plan, put the multipliers in parallel and register the stages. Had to start all over again on the description, which is why it's taking so long.

To Do:
1. Finish up description.
2. Start writing code.
3. Try to fix other computer.


To Do:
1. Test to see how many cycles a COREgen multiplier actually takes.
2. Modify design if needed based on multiplier cycles.
3. Start writing code, using generate and generic.
4. Find out when Janet can come here to look at computer.

1. [Description posted] in files folder.

Hit a speed bump in terms of coding. I couldn't figure out how to get the post map simulate to work. The first two simulations ran fine, but the last two died with errors. Spent three hours yesterday browsing help manuals and tutorials. I remember from my digital design class that I have to add the path to XilinxCoreLib somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Right now I'm going back to my class notes, hopefully that'll show something.

1. Glad to get the core gen stuff working again. I ran the post-route and placement simulations for just one multiplier and the waveforms showed that the multiplier took a fraction of a clock cycle to compute. So technically, input goes in parallel, result comes out parallel in the next cycle. Earlier when looking at the data sheets for a parallel multiplier, it looked like each bit of an input would go in serially. Maybe the simulation itself can't show each bit going in per clock cycle, maybe I'd have to run it physically on the board to double check.
But in the meantime, hopefully there won't be any multiplier related timing issues with the testbench. I'm almost done with that. Then on to some serious testing.

To Do:
1. Finish testing and debugging code.
2. Start constrain tests.
3. Device a graphical representation for data collected.
4. Create power point presentation: Purpose, methods, examples, data.

1. Finished writing modules and testbench. Have a funky error in ModelSim where it just hangs on a process. I can't break the process, ModelSim doesn't show as not responding in the task menu, and it doesn't die right away when I kill the process either. There was one thread that was taking a lot of memory, vish.exe. I researched the process and and found a document, Agilent Technologies Advanced Design System 2001: Release Notes that had a page on vish.exe. Interestingly it said, "This document describes known defects in Advanced Design System 2001 and, wherever possible, provides workarounds. It also identifies errors and omissions in the ADS 2001 documentation." So here's the page:


HDL Cosimulation
Real ports must be initialized for some ModelSim versions for VHDL entities In a VHDL entity, the real ports must be initialized for certain versions of ModelSim SE (such as version 5.4d) or the ModelSim will fail with an out-of-range error.
Stray processes need to be terminated manually
. On Windows platforms, if an HDL cosimulation is interrupted or it errors out, stray processes may continue (and tie up the license).
. On all platforms, if any other component (non-HdlCosim component) causes a runtime error while simulating a design containing an HdlCosim component and the ADS simulation stops, the HDL simulator may still be running (and tying up the license).
The workaround for both of these problems is to terminate the stray processes manually. The processes that may need to be terminated are vlm.exe, vsim.exe, vish.exe (for ModelSim.), and verilog.exe (for VerilogXL.) You may also have to terminate hpeesofsim.exe.
Custom HdlCosim components no longer supported
Custom HdlCosim components created using the ADS model builder are no longer supported.
Parameter values of HdlCosim components may require updating
Because of changes made to the HdlCosim component parameters in ADS 2001, parameter values of HdlCosim components in your ADS 1.5 designs may need to be re-entered.


[To the Top]

Week 5 || July 26 - July 30

Weekly Goals: Create a ppt presentation for half way mark; constrain matrix multiplier module at different columns and find performance times.


1. Done updating ppt presentation, saved in [files folder].

To Do:
1. Constrain matrix multiplier.
2. Update web files.

1. It's brilliant! The floorplanner view of the matrix multiplier is beautiful, the different colors arranged in different parts of the board, eight bright colors, one for each multiplier arranged in a circular fashion with the striped, color pattern of the rest of the adders in the center. Woohoo!
:Ahem: On to other news, the multiplier is done, when I finish running all the tests, I will update the site, so you too can appreciate the beautiful colors. :grin:


[Add-on] The left floorplanner screenshot is of just the components of the matrix multiplier without constraint. The one on the right is with all the internal wires. It gives an idea of how intricate the wiring can get.


Just when you think you're done...
To Do:
1. Change all supposed CLB column numbers to x/2. Sudarshan mentioned that 18 columns of CLBs seemed excessive for the matrix multiplier, and he was right. After looking closely at the floorplanner board, we realized that 1 CLB column was really 1 slice column. So the number of CLB's is really half of what we thought they were. Have to go thru all my data/notes/graphs/files to change the number of CLBs to the correct number. But for now, I'm more worried about the presentation. Which brings me to my next item...
2. Update slides with the right data. Sudarshan mentioned that he was more interested in even columns of CLBs. Half of the CLBs that I thought were even are really odd, so I have to redo half of the synthesii (the correct form of plural synthesis I hope). I think I have just enough time to redo the multiplier and the matrix multiplier. What really complicates things is that for each test, I do three things: change constraint files, save the place and route report and take floorplanner screenshots. The floor planner screen shots are the most extensive since they are broken down into three parts as well: full board views with and without wires, and module zooms with and without wires. Ofcourse all of this is more complicated by the fact that the matrix multiplier is only judged by the place and route reports, while the multiplier requires exact simulation to get nanosecond to nanosecond timing. Now I'm at a crossroads, should I scrape the data I had before for the multiplier and only look at the place and route reports to get delays or should I do full simulations for each one? Each option averages out to be the same amount of time. So in the name of uniformity, I'll just redo all of the multiplier and only look at the place and route reports.
3. Talk with Eli and Sudarshan about the different criteria when looking at the synthesis.


[To the Top]

Week 6 || August 2 - August 6

Weekly Goals: Create new application modules starting with FFT; figure out COREGen for sure, couldn't get it to work last time; synthesize more modules; figure how many more modules I can synthesize.


To Do:
1. Research FFT.
2. Write code for FFT.
3. Simulate and debug modules.
4. Synthesize with different configurations.

1. [Mid-summer report] was straight forward, all answers were text based and brief. I am preparing for the final report by adding to a much more elaborate file on the side. The final report will be much more expanded with a full project description that contains all the details including results and graphics.

It turns out that there is a smorgasbord of free code out there that I can just use for most of the applications. This cuts down time spent writing code. Right now I'm finding code for the FFT, and I have to make sure the physical constraints are correct for it.

To Do:
1. Go thru multiply accumulator and direct digital analyzer applications.
2. Synthesize six new applications, preferably big applications.
3. Write up the results.

1. Synthesized four applications yesterday: FFT, MAC FIR filter, 1-D Discrete Cosine Transform and Sine/Cosine Lookup Table. Woohoo! It really helped that I didn't have to write testbenches for them. I spent a couple hours trying to figure out inputs for the FFT, what a waste of time!, until Eli said forget about it. That sure took the pressure off. So now I'm just focused on synthesizing the application modules. Sudarshan needs single data points from many different applications. So instead of synthesizing each application with different constraints, I'm focusing on going thru as many as possible. In a week, or maybe a couple days, I will go back to each application and carefully synthesize them again several times.


[To the Top]

Week 7 || August 9 - August 13

Weekly Goals: Create testbenches for applications to find out computational clock cycles, Sudarshan needs that data;


To Do:
1. Find out how many cycles an application takes to run. At this point, none of us really know how to find out exact computation cycle without fully simulating the module. I want to avoid doing that, so I'll have to research the data sheets and the xilinx help pages to figure out approximate computation time.
2. General goal: frequency of module vs columns. Main goal after generating data for Sudarshan is to generate a range of data points to find relationship between frequency and physical size of application. For the next three weeks I will find this relationship for many different applications. So by the end of my project, I will have data for a dozen or so applications (hopefully) that will allow the user to get an idea of the tradeoff between frequency and physical size.

1. Finished synthesizing eight new applications with time and column constraints. Have a nice big table with data that I will upload. But it's not the end point. Sudarshan is mainly looking at number of columns vs number of cycles. So I will be researching the number of cycles.

Update: Research on computation time continues. I've uploaded the data sheets for the applications in the [data_sheets folder]. They're all pdfs. I've also uploaded two files, "Modules Descriptions" and "Modules Data (single point)" in the [word_xcell_ppt_files]. The first file contains descriptions and implementation options for all the applications. The second file contains specific information about the apps such as number of slices, columns, approximate max frequency, etc. As I find the computation time I will update that to the files.

Update: Same old, same old.


Update: Yesterday in my rush to make sure all files from the local harddrive was updated to my unix directory, I over wrote the latest timing files. Fortunately I wrote down the period, delays, etc, I don't have to do any deduction to get to the period.
Having trouble with modelSim, the liscense doesn't work because the registration is for a different computer with a different harddrive serial number.

Update: More simulation and testing of applications. Sometimes it can be time consuming because I have to adjust the timing of the input signals in the testbench to get the module to work right. This involves referencing the data sheet, the coreGen implementations, and going back and forth between code and waveform windows.


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Week 8 || August 16 - August 20

Weekly Goals: More applications to synthesize to meet minimum columns (atleast 10); find computation times; although this data is used as part of my report it is also being used in Sudarshan's paper which he is submitting for publication.


To Do:
1. Find more applications that take up more than 2240 slices (112 slices/ column * 20 columns). Sudarshan mentioned that he wanted applications that take up more than 10 clb columns, 20 slices.
2. Find maximum frequency, delays, computation time of these applications.
3. Continue with my project. For each application find five points of data. Constrained at +0, +4, +8, +12, +16 and unconstrained, find the frequency for each. Use this to create a graph of module characteristics.

1. Computational time of three biggest applications is as follows: FFT - 6213 cycles, 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform - 170 cycles, and CORDIC - 21 cycles. This is not enough data, I was hoping to get in atleast five or six decent sized applications, but they are hard to find. Of the original eight I synthesized, only two were bigger than 10 CLB columns.
2. Out of the 16 different applications I've tried so far, only 4 of these meet the size requirements of Sudarshan, more than 10 CLB columns: FFT, 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform, 1024-PT Complex Transform, and 256-Pt Complex Transform. I've emailed Sudarshan if he has more new applications for me to try. Meanwhile I will return to my original project and continue to find the relationship between physical area size and frequency.

To Do:
1. Find out timing of more modules that take up 4 CLB columns. After explaining the situation to Sudarshan, he lowered the threshold to 4 CLB columns.

1. All done with FFT! Ran seven constrained synthesis, one of them took over two hours to complete (!), the rest averaged about forty minutes. It was indeed a long day. I found a discrepancy between how the synthesis tools did a full board implementation. If the constraint included the whole board, the synthesis placed the module differently as opposed to if there was no constraint. Logically it shouldn't matter, in the end the two constraints mean the same thing. But as I was running the full board constraint, this distinction occured to me and I had to test it out to see if it was true. I'll just include this in my data sheets and show it to Eli.

To Do:
1. Get back to my project: Next module FFT256. That should take a whole day synthesizing.

1. Figured out computational time for half a dozen more modules, updated data spreadsheet, it's the files folder now.

To Do:
1. Sudarshan emailed me with questions about the data I gave him, have to answer. Will require synthesizing modules several times to double check data. Also have to double check module placement, I know I'm right, but I want to double check. Lastly he wants input length and size to get an accurate idea of computation latency.

Done: 1. Fired off a long email to Sudarshan, updated data spreadsheet.


To Do:
1. On Friday, Eli mentioned that she wanted intermediary columns for the FFT. The data changes abruptly, so it should be helpful to see how it changes.
2. Synthesize the rest of the modules: cordic, 2d cos transform, matrix multiply (done, but double check all data) and optional is fft 256 and fft 1024. The last two fft's would be purely to compare against the fft and I'll probably do it last.
3. Have to email Eli the data and explanatory docs.
4. Update spreadsheets. Data is there, but I have yet to put it in fully order.

1. Sytnehsized 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform. Next up CORDIC.


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Week 9 || August 23 - August 27

Weekly Goals: Work on any applications Sudarshan needs; get apps for my research paper; start work on final research presentation; start work on final research paper.


To Do:
1. For his project, Sudarshan wants to use a jpeg compression application. I have two modules to look up: an RGBtoYCL converter and a quantize app. Xilinx support pages are my friends.

To Do:
1. Encoding for JPEG. Synthesize and simulate.

1. There are three modules used for JPEG encoding, RGB-YCrCb, 2-D DCT Cosine Transform and Quantization. Done simulating and synthesizing. Updated files folder with data, called JPEGdata.

To Do:
1. Start outline of paper.
2. Decoder, JPEG. Synthesize and simulate.

1. Slight problems with the downloaded code, inverse-quantize has errors. Inverse-quantize, inverse-DCT and YCrCb-RGB have all been synthesized, and with the one exception, simulated as well. Emailed Sudarshan about code error, hopefully he can take a look at it as well. Updated data spreadsheet.


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Week 10 || August 30 - September 3

Weekly Goals: Last week! Finish up and practice presentation; final paper; work on final version of website.

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[UCB] [Personal] [Personal Journal] [Research] [Research Journal] [Mentor] [UCI]
