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Project Overview
This report includes a supplemental presentation titled Human-Robot Interaction: A Straw Man approach to Interface Ite ration - Powerpoint.

The ARTV-Jr.

The original INEEL interface.

The first iteration of the UMass Lowell redesign.

The second iteration of the UMass Lowell redesign.

The final iteration of the UMass Lowell redesign.

To the left is an ARTV-Jr. Robot produced by IRobot. In the past, IRobot spent time producing educational machines. The company made a decision to cease the educational/institutional robot division due to consistent profit losses. Unfortunately, to that end, IRobot provides no product support.

The original ARTV-jr design has 14 sonars, emergency stop buttons mou nted on top of the machine, a brake, and 4-wheel drive.

In addition to the basic specs (pdf), t he UMass Lowell ARTV-Jr. is equipped with 10 additional sonars, a wireless connection, a laser, four cameras: one forward and one rear both with pan tilt zoom and two stereoscopic front mounted cameras, a Global Positioning System (GPS).


Our team was charged with the task of redesigning and reworking the INEEL interface. We worked with a "Straw Man", meaning, we used the INEEL inte rface as a starting point and applied research principles from Urban Search and Rescue, Human-Robot Interaction, and Human-Computer Interaction in order to modify the interface.

INEEL is a government lab that, according to their web site, " ;strives to deliver science and engineering solutions to the world's environmental, energy, and security challenges." INEEL regularly competes in the Urban Search and Rescue competitions held at the AAAI conference. In 2003, INEEL won AAAI.
AAAI Competition:

Robots have twenty minutes to search an urban disaster competition arena for simulated victims. The operator commands the robot from behind a curtain and may not view the arena other than through the robot interface. Judges award points to competitors for locating simulated victims and the accuracy of a map with the located victims Judges subtract points for bumping walls, objects and victims

Urban Search and Rescue:
Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) robots work to make sense of dangerous post-disaster environments for other first responders. First responders are the initial rescue workers who arrive on a disaster scene such as an earthquake.

Oftentimes, USAR robots are at least partially tele-operated, meaning the user is not in the same location as the robot. Rather, the user closely monitors and operates the robot through the an interface.

The goal of a USAR robot is twofold: find survivors and provide a map of the disaster site for rescue workers.


The goal of this project is to build and test an interface for a Search and Rescue Robot. One of the larger considerations of this project is that the robot and user work as a team to achieve a goal. Using both proven design axioms from Human Computer Interaction, the coding skills of three other Computer Science G raduates, and a lot of research in the form of past competition videos, and research literature, we work to deliver the best design given our network and hardware capabilities.

The Interface in Stag es

Stage One: Planning and research

One important step in this project was learning known problems in Human Robot Interaction (HRI) as well as issues specific to Urban Search and Rescue.

In addition to my own mentor's HRI research, another researcher and a web site specific to Human-Robot Interaction emerged as important forces in Human-Robot Interaction.

Robin R. Murphy  , a Professor at the University of South Florida, has done quite a bit of research in Search and Rescue as the Director of the Center for Robot Assisted Search and Rescue.

HRI Web: The Human-Robot Interaction Site has been very useful at this stage. This site includes upcoming Robotics/Artificial Intelligence conferences, browse article abstracts, and other important research resources.

User Aware ness is one of the most significant challenges of HRI, certainly the most critical from an interface perspective. A strong interface will answer the following questions:

  • Where is the robot now?
  • Where has t he robot been?
  • Where is the robot going?
  • What is immediately around the robot?
  • Is the robot touching/in danger of touching anything?
  • What are the Environmental features: Obstacle and victim identification and avoidance
  • Is the robot level with the ground? (Pitc h and Roll)
  • Is there any robot damage?
  • Is the power OK? (battery)
  • Where is the camera position (pan, tilt, and zoom)?
  • Is the Brake on?
  • How does the robot go forward, backward etc.?
  • Can I move the camera?
  • How do I adjust the speed?
  • What modes should I use when?

  • St age Two: Comparing and Contrasting

    The INEEL interface.
    In addition to interface screenshots, the INEEL commands appear in document form. This is a list of all input and output commands. Messages from the robot to the interface come initially as ascii strings in the form #MMM$V...V! where ... inclu des the value of the information. For example, Brake has two values on ("1") and off ("0"). When the brake is on, this is robot codes this as #MMM$V01V!

    The document includes information such as compass& nbsp;readings, bump readings, speed settings, and camera zoom. The goal is to minimize the information on the screen so we examine each piece carefully to determine if it is necessary to the user.

    To keep the interface as simple as possible, we decided to include he following: Front camera video, rear camera video, camera position (cross hair overlaying the video), speed controls, battery, brake (when on), and sonars.

    Corner cases, such as low battery wa rnings and other such errors, appear when appropriate in the status bar (with the battery, speed control, and brake).

    The lowermost options are the Autonomous modes. There are four. Safe, Shared, Tele-Op, and Escape.

    Stage Three: Mock-ups, Interface problem-solving, and more Research

    The AAAI Conference in San Jose gave us a chance to observe robots interfaces. The co nference provided several interesting pieces of information for us as both researchers and developers and inspired some ideas for us moving forward.

    Stage Four: Designing

    A preliminary design screenshot using Photosh op appears below. We talked about adjustments to the interface. At one point, my mentality was strongly towards modeling the interface after a first person shooter video game.


    Stage Five: Gathering and processing data

    Using screenshots of all of the competitors in ICJCA/AAAI 2003, I measured the height and width of the video and maps. I also measured the heights and widths of the entire interface. I then multiplied those heights and widths to arrive at an area in square pixels. I calculated percentages by dividing the area of the total interface by the area of the video and map.

    The UMass Lowell video r epresents 27% of the interface while the video represents 19% for a total of 46%.

    INEEL's video is 10% of the total interface while their map is 8%. The total area of the video and map is 18% of the screen.

    < td>27%
    Percentage of IJCAI/AAAI 2003 USAR Interfaces dedicated to Video and Map components#
      Video Map
    MITRE* 9% 57%
    Rochester 25% 45%
    New Orleans 9% 21%
    Swarthmore 15% 14%
    INEEL 10% 8%
    UMass Lowell* 19%
    #Percentages were calculated by dividing the area of the video and map by the total area of the interface. In the case of Rochester and New Orleans, the interface did not take up the entire screen. Calculations that include the users screen in place of the interface area will yield lower percentages for these two teams.
    *Mitre and UMass Lowell did not compete in IJCAI/AAAI in 2003. Data for Mitre was collected from RoboCup 2003. Data for UMass Lowell was collected using interface that has not competed.

    We significantly increased the size of the video and map from our original straw man interface. Because users give their a ttention to the video at the exclusion of other displays it stands to reason the video should be larger.

    Stage Six: Final iterations, presenting, and wrap up

    The map works, the interface compiles. We made a the following significant changes to the interface based on user testing.

  • Relative Controls: When the robot's primary view is the rear camera it is the largest component of the interface. After testing our first design, we chose to make our controls and sonars relative to the rear. The right, left, forward, and back commands correspond to the primary video. For example when the driver has the rear camera as the primary vi deo, forward moves the robot backwards.
  • Gradient Battery: When full, the battery appears with five blue bars. As the power decreases the colors change as well as the amount of bars in the battery graphic. When the battery is near empty the battery graphic blinks. If there is not enough power to go back to the robot's starting location, a large empty battery graphic appears in the video screen in red (see the brake error message in the Redundant and Responsive Error Messages section).

  • Gradient Modes: Autonomy modes appear from most autonomous to least. The user has a better sense of continuity by both the location and the mode colors.
  • Front a nd Rear Camera Toggling: A "camera view" button controls the robot's primary view. The default view shows the front camera video as a large video feed while the rear camera video appears as a smaller video feed. For this elem ent we drew upon the analogy of a rear view mirror in a car. When the user opts to change the camera view, the rear camera appears significantly larger, while the front camera recedes to the smaller size.

    The default view appears. The lower video represents the front camera while the smaller video above is the rear camera view.

    When the " camera view" button is selected, the rear video increases in size. The Sonars provide r eadings relative to the new camera angle. Directional controls also function relative to the rear of the robot to support the primary camera view.

  • Gradient Sonar: The sonars display bars to reinforce color as a feedback channel. The following five images represent the five states of the sonar bars. When the sonars detect no object, the four bars appear blue. When an object is detected in the distance, the bar furthest from the video appears green. As the distance of an object decreases, more bars appear shaded. When an object is extremely close, all bars appear red.

    No object/wall within 4 robot lengths. Object/wall within 3-4 robot lengths. Object/wall within 2-3 robot lengths. Object/wall within 1-2 robot lengths. Object/wall within 1 robot length.

  • Redundant and Responsive Error Messages: Research in human-robot interac tion tells us that users tend to pay so much attention to the video, they fail to notice other interface components. We decided to provide redundant error messages using graphical overlay on the primary video screen.

    One such example is the brake. When the brake is on a small graphic appears in the upper right hand corner of the interface as shown below.

    If, while the brake is engaged, the user select s a direction (forward,
    backwards, left, right) in an attempt to move the robot this indicates the user is unaware of the brake. A reinforcing image appears on the video in the
    form of a large brake graphic as shown below.

  • Grouped User Controls: User controls appear in one area below the video feed. Direct controls using a joystick and keyboard allow the user to select modes and robot speed without using a mouse, the interface now displays both in the same area. By grouping related functions (robot's autonomy and speed state), we reduce cognitive load.

    Human-Robot Interaction: A Straw Man appr oach to Interface Iteration - Powerpoint.

    Note on the presentation: Since much of the lab was familiar with Human - Robot Interaction and USAR, the presentation is most ly concerned with the Human-Computer Interaction aspect of this project.

    What we learned

    One aspect of Human-Computer Interaction we attempted to use throug hout our design was color. In our design, color is used to reinforce, rather than define interface components. This is a very important principle for color-blind users. The sonars provide an example.

    The above blocks appear ed in one of our early iterations. The three boxes rely on color to communicate system status to the user. If the user cannot distinguish between the colors, he or she will not be able to gain information from these interface components.< br>

    The above bars appear in our final iteration. While the same colors appear, an additional special cue communicates the system status. Four bars appear. When a bar is off, it appears as a color very similar to the inter face background.

    This color gradation theme also appears in our battery and autonomous modes.

    Early on in our work, we agreed the video should be as large as possible. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a full screen video feed with interface components appearing as graphical overlay. Gamers who are familiar with first person shooters, can attest that this style of interface is not only usable, but fluid and intuitive.

    In the end, we chose simply to increase the size of the video. The limitations of the wireless network would have made the frame rate of a full screen video unacceptable. We made the video portion of the interface as large as possible without sacrificing performance. However, a large video feed is as an eventual direction as equipment and wireless capabilities allow.