Project Journal - Week 8



Only three people showed up to my study, as it turns out. Eh. I still learned a lot about how the project needs to be set up. For example, it's easier to shove Aristo out in the hall at a certain point in the study and THEN start him up and get him going and whatnot than it is to try to get him past the dead spot in the hall just outside the door in the control room. We hates the swiss cheese wireless, preciousssss, we hates it forever!

The plan now is to run this one more time while I'm here - August 1 - then get some people here in the lab to take over running it at the beginning of the semester, when there's more people here. Not sure yet how they'll get the data and video tapes and whatnot to me, but eh, plenty of time to worry about that later.

Got some flyers up around campus. Gonna try to get some up in a few more places today, then tomorrow I'm off to California for a few days with my parents and then the AAAI conference! Big fun!

Goals for the next ten days: Have fun in California!