Project Journal - Week One



I've always liked to bake cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorites. Cookies for the web aren't that bad, either, especially since they allow me to store and access my data! This is what I have learned today. Special thanks to this tutorial for all of its tasty cookie recipes. Or... something. All I have to do is get it up here on the webpage. Go me! Also, Cindy seems to have gotten word back that someone will be along sometime next week to make sure the experiment is up to specs. This is a great goodness. Things are proceeding apace, and I enjoy that muchly.

Goal for this weekend: Get the new and improved webpages up and running. Hopefully this won't be too difficult, but I've done enough programming to know that nothing is ever as easy as it seems.



Today I remembered how to use Linux. Thank heavens. Maybe now I'll be able to actually do things in Tom, Lewis's computer.

I also learned a little bit of JavaScript. The eventual goal is to be able to time how long it takes for the person to click on the link (indicating completion of the task) starting when the page loads, store that time somewhere, and put it on the final blank page. Is it possible? I choose to believe that it is. I'm also getting a bit of a crash course in HTML. So many things I'm learning on this venture!

As a side note, this is an absolutely amazing website for JavaScript tutorials. What I need it to do seems like it's going to take more than a few tricks, and this lets me play with them without having to be constantly throwing stuff up on a "real" webpage. Now all I need is a good JavaScript book and life will be spiffywell.

Also, thanks to this page, I'm finally getting a handle on Linux. I'd like to hope that learning the C++ needed to run Lewis will be this easy, but I think I know better than to hope that. Ah well.

Goal for tomorrow: Get the JavaScript done. I think I can do it. Maybe if I say that enough times it'll come true.