devon skyllingstad

My name is Devon Skyllingstad. I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I attend Xavier University , where I am a senior with a Computer Science major and minors in Mathematics and Women's and Minorities Studies. My interests are women's studies, specifically in the field of science and technology. I am also interested in sports of all sorts, such as baseball, soccer, and field hockey. Through the CRA Collaborative Research Experiences for Women (CREW) grant received this year (2001-2002), a group of myself and four other Xavier undergraduate computer science students wrote a research study focusing on the perceptions of high school students of computer science, as a way to understand various perceptions and try to encourage more females to major in computer science in college. Our results can be found here . My own personal webpage, with all sorts of fun information about me, is located at .

Devon Skyllingstad
Last modified: Tue Jun 11 15:42:14 EDT 2002