The First Week: May 15 - May 19

Once I had taken care of administrative things like getting an ID card and a key, Amy and I discussed potential projects to work on for the summer. She gave me a copy of her thesis and a few papers to read to help me decide on a project. I chose our topic fairly quickly, and we both started reading, in an effort to get up to speed on the background we needed. The papers we read discussed various agent algorithms and market structures. We created a list of the algorithms that we had read about, and we began to compare and contrast them. Three of the algorithms we looked at were:
ZIC traders
ZIP traders
GD traders
Toward the end of the week we also got the code for the simulator that had been developed at the IBM lab. I went to work on familiarizing myself with the code right away. It was the first time I had worked in C (I'm used to C++) but things went faster than I expected, and by the second week, we were ready to start experimenting with the agents and the simulator.