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Navigation Bar Week 7 Log
The abridged version of my log:

Day 1:
Went through Peter's docs and figured out (I think) how to hook up my program with his code. Downloaded a copy he sent me via email, and coded a function to translate the input from the GUI newly coded from last week into input Peter's function can understand. I also thought about all the variations of the types of queries that are now possible with this make-your-own-relation feature, but if I keep the infrastructure and only adjust things in atomic queries, everything else should hold in approved data-abstraction style. Will need to do much testing.

Day 2:
Finished the coding to integrate Peter's function into my program, and tested it. I'm getting an exception, so I'll have to straighten it out with Peter. Meanwhile, I updated all the buttons Ann wrote for the new and improved program, especially the delete, export and import buttons. There are some issues with exporting and importing, because we no longer display the result in just one string format, so some juggling and adaptation was necessary. Also, group meeting today, in which I was told to finish this, and then start preparing to present/write it up.

Day 3:
Worked some more on the buttons, and getting them up to speed on all the new functionalities and formats I've introduced. Did some initial testing on the Import and Export buttons, but should do some more. Fixed the problem I had yesterday with Peter's code, which was actually a faulty input I was giving it. Fixing that landed me some more bugs, so I fixed those too. The function is giving me some interesting results, which I'm in the middle of testing right now for accuracy.

Day 4:
Corrected logical errors in applying Peter's function, so that should all work now. Flushed out more bugs with some weird combination of button pushes. Expanded the import and export buttons to be able to write and read a whole bunch of queries in one fell swoop. Did some tuning of the presentation, like differentiating between the variables that are imported and the ones generated by the program. Worked on clarifying how to use the composite relation option, which needs to be tested tomorrow.

Day 5:
Tuned the program some more, working on odds and ends. Needed to modify the parsing function to handle the addition of cosmetic X's in composite relations, and tested composite queries in various uses (nested composite queries, exporting and importing them). Showed Onard the program and what it can do. Modified the layout of the interface to get rid of items not in use. Next time, add more bells and whistles, and start to document it. Explaining to Onard was a good start, but I should get some of the basics and important areas to change down in writing.

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"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith" Ephesians 3:17a