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Navigation Bar Week 2 Log
I actually started to keep a log this week, so here's the abridged version:

Day 1:
Spent the day moving up to H227, which meant getting LiNanís folder with all her programs in it from Zhenrongís computer, all nicely zipped and sent via email. Then I needed to download WinZip onto my new computer, and also get Darren to install ProtÈgÈ and a version of the mysql database from Onardís computer. I also installed Jbuilder (for all my Java needs). Then the rest of the day was spent attempting to figure out with LiNan (Ann) how to get Frame.java to run, since I kept getting Unsatisfied Link Errors.

Day 2:
Spent all morning fixing the bug. I now know more than I want about environment paths (but less than I probably should). I also talked with another member of my lab about alternative query languages to use besides Prolog. He gave me a paper on Strudel, which I read (or tried to). Continued looking at Ann's program, which (she claimed) didn't actually use the old Prolog reasoning program at all.

Day 3:
Continued to look at her main Java programs. Since we used Protege and Amzi, I also had to dig for those documentations to understand what in the world these methods she was invoking were. I think I understand the mechanism by which queries are handled.

Day 4:
In brief, I looked at the database to see what kind of queries we could support. Understood the program by today, so I wanted to see where I could expand it.

Day 5:
Reviewed the literature on the Digital Anatomist Structural Abstraction, which defines the knowledge needed to represent anatomy in a flexible, robust manner. Found the different slots in Protege by which we can yank up information through its API methods.

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"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith" Ephesians 3:17a