On Monday, I began organizing my work for the final report. I needed to satisfy the CRA DMP's requirements as well Dr. Anton's. I planed to write my final report in form of a manual so it could be used as references for future development. After work, I played one last game of volleyball. It was really a challenge, but my team won :) (with score 16:18). After the game Angela, Brent, Ergun and I watched a movie and ate ice cream. On Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday I worked on my final report. On Tuesday, a bunch of people and I went to Newton's for lunch. It was really fun and I had a chance to say good-bye to some of my new friends. After work I ate some delicious fish (cooked by one of my friends).
On Wednesday, after work, Angela and I picked up Dr. Anton at the airport, so we heard all the stories about her adventures in Spain. Later Angela, Brent, Ergun and I went for dinner at Houlihan's and then played pool. Angela and Brent were about to win, but thanks to Ergun it was a tie. Lesson of the day: "chose a strong partner to play with." :-) Thursday, Dr. Anton reviewed my final report and then Angela and I helped her prepare for her annual student cookout (this was both a farewell party for Angela and I as well as Ryan Carter who graduated this summer). I had a lot of fun there, but afterwards had to pack. I left Raleigh on Friday morning and arrived to Dubuque without any trouble.
It is hard to believe but this was my last week.