I am happy to welcome you to my web page. On this web page you will find some information about my work during summer of 2001 and me. My name is Roksolana (well... you can call me Lana.) At the present time I am senior at Clarke College, pursuing BS in Computer Science and BA in Mathematics. I was selected by CRA-W to work with Dr. Annie Anton at North Carolina State University ( NCSU ) during the Summer of 2001. Dr. Anton was my mentor for the 10 weeks period that I spent in Raleigh. |
Dr. Anton is Assistant Professor of Software Engineering in the Computer Science Department of the College of Engineering. Her current research interests include scenario management, goal-based requirements engineering, information security and privacy as well as the design of electronic commerce applications. There much information I could tell you about Dr. Anton, but I think you are better off reading her own web page; please visit here.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to write to me.
Email: rantonyuk@yahoo.com