"Creative Clothing"

The woman's outfit is made up of 3 parts. The first is the "top dress" which was made out of the top part of the orange dress. The second part is the "stomach dress" which was made out of the middle part of the orange dress. Last is the skirt which is an exact copy of the pink skirt.
The three parts are not joined but rather they were parented to the different parts of the woman's body so that when the woman moved the clothes would move as well and appear as if though they were attached to her body.

The necklac is a copy of the vest's neck area. In poser there is a "grouping tool" that allows the user to create new items from pre-existing ones. This is done by clicking on the polygons of the original object and making a copy.
After making the new item, I tweaked around with it to get it to it's final form.